Creating chalkkboard art can brings a new awareness for your business.

Most blackboards are used to display the food and drinks in a cafe or small takeaway. But firstly let us go back to when the first blackboard was first used. In 1801, James Pillans, a headmaster and geography teacher at an Old High School in Edinburgh, Scotland is credited with the invention when he hung a large piece of slate on the classroom wall.  Originally they were black but now they are green. Chalkboards are used a lot now in the wedding industry.  The design elements have gone from just while on black to using a variety of colours on the blackboard.


i Stop motion  was developed in the late 1800’s by pioneers such as J Stuart Blackton. Blackton’s The Humpty Dumpty Circus in 1898 is considered one of the genre’s earliest examples known as clay animation or claymation. You can read about it here in this Stop Motion Magazine